Week Four: Three Moments of an Explosion


  We were focusing on new weird this week. I chose to read the Three Moments of an Explosion which was written by China Mieville. Three Moments of an Explosion is one of a collection of twenty-eight short stories in the book.

  This short story was published in 2015, which is pretty new. I kind of can see what is the mainstream of horror recently. The Three Moments of an Explosion spent most of part on depicting the scene and characters' inner world, instead of narration. Let's compare this to Frankenstein. In Frankenstein, the writer concentrated on present background and story. However, in Three Moments of an Explosion, there is no specific story, it just focuses on depicting the scene include some details. 

  Personally speaking, I don't like this style, it made the story boring somehow. What I expect a horror story should have is its narration. I believe narration is an important means of expression of the literary works of narration.


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