Week Ten: Aye and Gomorrah

We are exploring fictional ideas in this week. I chose to read Aye and Gomorrah which was written by Samuel R. Delany. It won the 1967 Nebular Award for best short story.

The story is basically happened on a spacer who was neutered to avoid the effects of space radiation on gametes. He roaming on a street and met a Turkey girl. They kind of fell in love to each other I am not sure, but in the end there is nothing happened between them.

What amazed me was Samuel involved some sexual subject matters, for instance the main character  was neutered. Even though he was neutered, he is still having the passion to love. What more important is he wants to show people that a neutered man has the right to love.

It is not usual that a science fiction story involves sexual subject matters. I assume that Samuel was hoping us to pay more attention to those who are not in majority in our social system, and treat them equally. The story was controversial, but it seems like his story has already change people's mind during that time., and we are more and more open to everything. 


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